Service Areas

Residential and Commercial Public Adjusters for MD, VA, and PA

Whether you’re a homeowner making an insurance claim, a business making an insurance claim, or a business who works with homeowners who have had storm, water, or fire damage, we can help you maximize your insurance settlement. That’s what public adjusters do.

We work for you, and not the insurance company. We work with clients in a 4-state area, including:


Residential Public Insurance Adjuster

We help homeowners suffering from storm damage, water damage, flood damage, and theft. Any of these events can be traumatic. Hiring a residential public adjuster can help reduce your stress level and make dealing with the insurance company easier.

We use our years of experience to analyze your claim and negotiate the maximum settlement so you can get your house, and your life, back to normal.

Commercial Public Adjusters

Damage to your commercial property can be more than a headache. You can lose a lot of money while you’re waiting to make repairs. As experienced commercial public adjusters, we help you cut through the mumbo jumbo in your insurance policy, and negotiate with your insurance company to get you the maximum settlement, so you can get back to business.

We also help construction companies, roofing contractors, restoration companies and other service businesses streamline their COC’s process and maximize supplement opportunities.

 Let Our Experts Handle Your Claim for the Best Possible Outcome